Chapter 12

Afraid to venture into the mountains, Thorin chooses Bilbo to enter the Mountain. Bilbo wears his ring and goes through the tunnel. Bilbo finds Smaug sleeping on a pile of treasure. Despite his fear, Bilbo ventures close enough to the dragon to steal a golden cup. The dwarves admire the cup and are determined to now reclaim their treasure.

Smaug wakes up and discovers that a cup is missing. Outraged, he starts to hunt for the thief. Unsuccessful, he returns to his lair to sleep. The dwarves now turn to Bilbo for leadership. Bilbo decides to go back to Samug and see if he can find a weak spot. Bilbo is invisible because he is wearing his ring, but Smaug can smell him.

He begins to speak to Bilbo, but Bilbo responds in riddles to avoid giving clear answers. Bilbo tricks Smaug into revealing his armored chest, and Bilbo notices a chink in the armor near Smaug’s heart. Bilbo returns to the group and tells them about the chink. Suddenly, Smaug emerges from the mountain and flames the mountainside. Bilbo and the dwarves take shelter in the passage but get locked in.

In this chapter, Bilbo starts the main task of a hero — killing the dragon. He has grown since the start of the journey and is now prepared to perform this task. Further, the magic ring will also help him here. Considering Bilbo suitable for the role, Thorin asks him to investigate the dragon. In this episode, we notice how Bilbo overcomes his fear and decides to face the dragon.

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