Chapter 2

Bilbo wakes up late next morning to see that the dwarves have left. He begins to clean the mess they had created. Then, Gandalf appears and shows him the note left by the dwarves asking him to meet them at the inn a mile away. They also promise him one-fourteenth of the profits. Bilbo rushes to meet them leaving his handkerchief behind.

Bilbo and the dwarves set off on ponies loaded with provisions. They are later joined by Gandalf. The first few days of the journey are smooth; it begins to get unpleasant as they approach Lone-Lands. They notice that Gandalf has disappeared. Then, their pony carrying provisions falls into the river.

The group tries to set up a camp when they notice a light amongst the trees. They send Bilbo to investigate it further. He finds three trolls — Bert, Tom, and William — who are complaining of having no men to eat. As proof for the dwarves, Bilbo tries to pick one of their pockets and gets caught. Terrified, he tells them about the thirteen dwarves, who appear there looking for Bilbo.

The trolls start to argue about the best way to eat the dwarves. Just then, Gandalf returns and uses magic to let the trolls argue till dawn. Once it is past dawn, the trolls turn to stone, because they must be underground during the day. Gandalf and Bilbo free the dwarves. They also discover the trolls’ secret cave and help themselves to food, clothes, and other supplies. They take some rest and resume their journey the following day.

In this chapter, Bilbo begins this important journey. Unlike the dwarves, Bilbo does not have a sense of purpose, which shows when he forgets his commitment the following morning. At the start of this journey, he is more concerned about the little comforts of pipe and handkerchief. His longing for these things is amusing when contrasted with the magnitude of the adventure he has signed up for.

Gandalf continues to play the role of a mentor in this chapter. He reminds Bilbo about his agreement with the dwarves when he shows up unexpectedly at Bilbo’s house. Throughout the journey, Gandalf continues to appear and disappear, an indication of his powers.

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