
Home  »  The American Language  »  List of Words and Phrases 24

H.L. Mencken (1880–1956). The American Language. 1921.

List of Words and Phrases 24

weren’t, 72
Wesleyan, 115, 131
westbound, 127
West End, 127
wet, 276
whap, 39
wharf, 405
what, 296
whatdyecallem, 365
what ’ell, 153
what the hell, 153
wheatena, 196
wheatlet, 195
wheat-pit, 95
whence, 307
where, 81, 180, 307
where’bouts, 307
whip, n., 168
whippletree, 116
wie gehts, 104
which, 296
whichn, 297
whiskey, 241
whiskey-and-soda, 99
whiskey-daisy, 99
whiskey-sour, 26
white elephant, 405
white-lion, 26
white-plush, 99
white slave, 150
whitewash, n., 42
whitewash, v., 60
white-wings, 117
whither, 180, 307
whittle, 68
whizz-bang, 369
who, 179, 180, 296
whole-souled, 93
whom, 179, 180, 257180, 296
whose, 296
whosen, 296, 297
wide, 305
wiener, 103
wienie, 103
wienerwurst, 103
wier, 57
wierd, 246
wife, 150
wig, 184
wigwam, 41, 52
wild-cat, v., 95
will, 178, 179, 270, 288, 289, 384
willn’t, 72
willow, 129
wilt, v., 39, 68
wimmen, 231, 232
win, 276, 283
wind, v., 193
windfall, 41
wind-up, 193
wind up, vp., 193
winned, 283
wipe, n., 116
wireless, v., 281
wire-puller, 98
wiseheimer, 199
wish, v., 276
wisht, 276
witness-box, 116
witness-stand, 116
wiz, 184
wize, 246
wo, 231
woe, 231
woke, 275
woken, 275
wold, 57
woman, 149
women, 231, 232
women’s singles, 141
women’s wear, 141
won, 276, 277, 284
wonderful, 310
won’t, 72, 289
woodchuck, 52
woods, 182
woof, 219
woolen, 222, 240
woollen, 222, 241
woozy, 194
wop, 134, 333
wore, 275
workhouse, 115, 122
workman, 144
works, 115, 182
worser, 309
worshiper, 241
would-a, 263, 317
would’a, 313
would of, 313
would of gotten, 263
would’ve, 313
wound, v., 276
wowser, 394
wrang, 276
wrangle, 190
wrangler, 121
wrassle, 316
wrath, 70
wrecking-crew, 97
wrestle, 316
wring, 276
write, 276
written, 276
wrongd, 245
wrote, 276
wroten, 285
wrung, 276
xaktly, 398
y, suf., 186
yam, 126
Yank, 185
yank, v., 40, 92
Yankee, 333
yap, 134
yards, 182
ye, 180
yeller, 318
yellow-back, 160
yellow-belly, 333
yellow-journalism, 163
yellow-press, 163
yen, v., 108
yes, 200, 256
yes-indeedy, 107
yestiddy, 318
yet, 217
yodel, 104
yok-a-mi, 108
Yom Kippur, 133
you, 180, 291, 294, 298
you-all, 267, 294
you betcha, 165
you bet your, 165
young man, 133
your, 291
yourn, 291, 293
yours, 293
yous, 291, 294
yu, 247
yung, 247
z, p., 73
zeal, 231
zeber, 232
zebra, 232
zeel, 231
zowie, 365
zubumt, 407
zwei, 104
zwieback, 104